I have (46-69-78-68-14)in winning and(52-56-53-16-18)in machine...from 1-90 what will be my next 5winning numbers?

Do you really think lottery numbers can be predicted?

try 3- 5- 67-87-97 It hasn't worked yet for me, so it must be ready.

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To determine the next winning numbers, we need to analyze the pattern in the given numbers. Let's observe the differences between each consecutive number in the winning sequence:

46 - 69 = -23
69 - 78 = -9
78 - 68 = 10
68 - 14 = 54

Looking at these differences, we can see that they are not following a specific pattern. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the next number based solely on this information.

As for the numbers in the machine, the pattern is as follows:

52 - 56 = -4
56 - 53 = 3
53 - 16 = 37
16 - 18 = -2

Similar to the winning numbers, there is no clear pattern in the differences. Hence, predicting the next number accurately is not possible with the given information.

In general, predicting winning lottery numbers is extremely difficult since lotteries are designed to be unpredictable and random. Lottery numbers are typically chosen through a random number generator, making it impossible to calculate the next winning numbers accurately. The best approach is to play responsibly and view the lottery as a form of entertainment rather than a reliable source of income.