Why is crotyl chloride more reactive than 1-Chlorobutane under SN2 conditions

Crotyl chloride is more reactive than 1-chlorobutane under SN2 (substitution nucleophilic bimolecular) conditions due to the presence of a primary allylic carbon. The reactivity of a compound under SN2 conditions is influenced by factors such as steric hindrance and the stability of the resulting transition state.

To understand why crotyl chloride is more reactive, let's briefly analyze the structures of crotyl chloride and 1-chlorobutane:

Crotyl chloride: CH2=CH-CH2-CH2Cl

1-Chlorobutane: CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2Cl

In crotyl chloride, the chlorine atom is directly attached to a primary allylic carbon (the carbon adjacent to a double bond). This allylic carbon has increased electron density due to resonance stabilization from adjacent pi-bonds. The presence of this allylic carbon makes the chloride atom more susceptible to attack by a nucleophile.

On the other hand, in 1-chlorobutane, the chlorine atom is simply attached to a primary carbon. It lacks the electron density and stabilization provided by a neighboring allylic system. Therefore, the chloride atom in 1-chlorobutane is less reactive towards nucleophilic attack.

Furthermore, steric hindrance also plays a role. Crotyl chloride has a smaller alkyl chain attached to the allylic carbon compared to 1-chlorobutane, which has a longer alkyl chain. Steric hindrance makes it easier for nucleophiles to approach and attack the less hindered crotyl chloride molecule.

In summary, crotyl chloride is more reactive than 1-chlorobutane under SN2 conditions due to the presence of a primary allylic carbon, which provides resonance stabilization and increased electron density at the chlorine atom. Additionally, crotyl chloride has less steric hindrance compared to 1-chlorobutane, allowing for easier nucleophilic attack.