Find all x-values such that f(x)=-4


What is the range?

b)All real numbers

do we guess at what f(x) is?

To find all x-values such that f(x) = -4, we need to solve the equation f(x) = -4.

To do this, we need more information about the function f(x). Please provide the specific form or equation of f(x).

The range of a function represents the set of all possible output values. Without knowledge of the function f(x), we cannot determine the exact range.

However, based on the given options:

a) y|-oo < y < 0
b) All real numbers
c) y|-10 < y < 10
d) y|0 < y < oo

Option b) "All real numbers" represents the widest range and includes all possible values of y. Therefore, if we assume that f(x) can take any real value, then option b) would be the correct choice for the range.