Hi, does anybody know what a quadrilateral in which opposite sides are congruent and parallel is?

It's on a crossword puzzle on my math homework and is thirteen letters long and from the beginning the seventh letter is an E. Thanks so much to anyone who will help me out!

that would be a square or a rectangle or a parallelogram.

I guess you can figure out which to use, eh?

Haha, ya! thank you so much steve!

Sure! To find the answer, we need to look for a thirteen-letter word that starts with an 'E' and fits the description of a quadrilateral in which opposite sides are congruent and parallel.

One way to approach this is to use an online crossword puzzle solver or search for a list of mathematical terms. You can enter 'E' as the starting letter and specify that the word has thirteen letters. Then you can look through the suggestions to find words that match the given criteria.

Alternatively, we can try to solve it manually. Based on the given information, the word 'equilateral' comes to mind. However, 'equilateral' has ten letters, so it doesn't fit the given length of thirteen letters.

So, let's try a different word. The word 'parallelogram' meets the given criteria. It has thirteen letters, and opposite sides are both congruent and parallel.

To be sure, let's check the spelling and verify that all the conditions are met:
- Opposite sides are congruent: In a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal in length.
- Opposite sides are parallel: In a parallelogram, opposite sides are always parallel.

Therefore, the answer to your crossword puzzle is "parallelogram".