If angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR which of the following is true?

angle O congruent to angle Q
angle M congruent to angle S
angle MN (with a line of above it) congruent to ange SR (line above SR also)
NO (line above the letters) congruent RS (line above)

The answer is b

To determine which of the options is true, we need to use the information that angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR.

The word "congruent" means that two angles have the same measure. Therefore, if angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR, it implies that the measures of these angles are equal.

Now, let's analyze the given options:

1. Angle O congruent to angle Q:
We don't have any information about the angles O and Q. The given congruence doesn't directly relate to these angles. Therefore, we cannot conclude that angle O is congruent to angle Q based on the given information. This option is not necessarily true.

2. Angle M congruent to angle S:
This option is not correct. Angle M corresponds to angle MNO, whereas angle S corresponds to angle SQR. Although angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR, it doesn't imply that angle M is congruent to angle S. The congruence only applies to the angles with the same letter identifiers.

3. Angle MN congruent to angle SR:
This option is not accurate either. Angle MN refers to the angle between line segments MN, whereas angle SR refers to the angle between line segments SR. The given information does not provide any correlation between these angles. Therefore, we cannot conclude that angle MN is congruent to angle SR based on the given congruence.

4. NO congruent to RS:
This option is indeed true. The given congruence states that angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR. In other words, angle NO is equal to angle RS. Therefore, we can conclude that NO (line above the letters) is congruent to RS (line above).

To summarize, the correct option is: NO (line above the letters) congruent RS (line above).

If angle MNO is congruent to angle SQR, the following is true:

- angle M congruent to angle S