Evaluate the limit as x approaches 0 of [tan(x+Δx)-tan(x)] /Δx:

sec^ 2 (x)

cot (x)

sec (x)

does not exist

This is handily explained at


To evaluate the limit as x approaches 0 of [tan(x+Δx)-tan(x)] /Δx, we first simplify the expression:

[tan(x+Δx)-tan(x)] /Δx

Next, we use the trigonometric identity for the difference of two tangents to simplify further:

tan(A - B) = (tan(A) - tan(B)) / (1 + tan(A)tan(B))

Applying this identity, we have:

[tan(x+Δx)-tan(x)] /Δx = [tan((x + Δx) - x)] / (1 + tan(x)(tan(x + Δx)))

Simplifying, we get:

[tan(Δx)] / (1 + tan(x)(tan(x + Δx)))

Now, as x approaches 0, the value of tan(x) approaches 0, and we can make the approximation tan(x) ≈ x for small x. So, tan(x)(tan(x + Δx)) becomes x(x + Δx), which simplifies to x^2 + xΔx.

Substituting this approximation into our expression, we get:

[tan(Δx)] / (1 + x(x^2 + xΔx))

Now, as Δx approaches 0, tan(Δx) approaches 0, and the denominator remains constant. Thus, the limit as x approaches 0 of the given expression is:

lim Δx→0 [tan(Δx)] / (1 + x(x^2 + xΔx))

= 0 / (1 + x(x^2))

= 0

Therefore, the limit as x approaches 0 of [tan(x+Δx)-tan(x)] /Δx is 0.

The answer is not cot(x), sec^ 2 (x), sec(x), or does not exist. It is 0.