
I don't know where to go after 2sinxcosx=1/4

sin 2 x = 2 sin x cos x = 1/4 = .25

2 x = arc sin (.25) which is 14.5 degrees
x = 7.25 degrees

sin2x = 1/4

2x = arcsin(1/4)
x = 1/2 arcsin(1/4)

whatever arcsin(1/4) is.
x will be in QI or QIII since sin and cos must have the same sign.

Well, if you're stuck at 2sinxcosx = 1/4, you can always try asking them nicely to stop playing hide and seek and reveal themselves. But on a more serious note, to solve the equation 2sinxcosx = 1/4, you can start by using the double-angle identity for sine, which states that sin(2x) = 2sinxcosx. That way, you can rewrite the equation as sin(2x) = 1/8. From there, you can solve for 2x and then determine the value of x. Keep in mind that you might need to use inverse trig functions to find the final solution. Good luck on your mathematical journey!

To solve the equation 8sinxcosx = 1, you can start by using the double angle identity for sine, which states that sin(2x) = 2sin(x)cos(x). Rearranging this identity, you get sin(x)cos(x) = 1/2 * sin(2x).

So, let's substitute the value of sin(x)cos(x) in the equation:

8sin(x)cos(x) = 1
8 * (1/2 * sin(2x)) = 1
4sin(2x) = 1

Now, divide both sides by 4:

sin(2x) = 1/4

To find the value of x, we need to find the angle whose sine is 1/4. You can use the inverse sine function, denoted as arcsin or sin^(-1), to find this angle. So, take the inverse sine of both sides:

arcsin(sin(2x)) = arcsin(1/4)

The inverse sine of a sine function will cancel each other out, so you're left with:

2x = arcsin(1/4)

Now, divide both sides by 2:

x = (1/2) * arcsin(1/4)

This gives you the value of x in terms of the inverse sine function. You can use a calculator or a table of trigonometric values to determine the numerical value of x.

To solve the equation 2sin(x)cos(x) = 1/4, you can use the double-angle formula for sine. The double-angle formula states that sin(2x) = 2sin(x)cos(x). By rearranging this formula, you can get cos(x) = 1/2sin(2x).

Now, substitute this expression for cos(x) in the original equation:

8sin(x) * (1/2sin(2x)) = 1

Simplifying the equation further:

4sin(x)sin(2x) = 1

Using the product-to-sum formula for sine, sin(A)sin(B) = (1/2)[cos(A-B) - cos(A+B)], you can rewrite the equation as:

2(cos(x - 2x) - cos(x + 2x)) = 1

2cos(-x) - 2cos(3x) = 1

Rearranging the equation:

2cos(3x) - 2cos(x) = -1

Now, you have a trigonometric equation in terms of cosine. To solve this equation, you can simplify further:

cos(3x) = (1 - cos(x))/2

Then, you can square both sides of the equation to eliminate the cosine:

cos^2(3x) = (1 - cos(x))^2/4

Expand the equation:

(1 - 2cos(x) + cos^2(x))/4 = (1 - 2cos(x) + cos^2(x))/4

Since both sides are equal, we can conclude that they are both equal to 1/4:

1 - 2cos(x) + cos^2(x) = 1/4

Simplifying further:

cos^2(x) - 2cos(x) + 3/4 = 0

Now, you have a quadratic equation in terms of cosine. By factoring or using the quadratic formula, you can solve for cos(x). Once you find the values of cos(x), you can then calculate the corresponding values of x by taking the inverse cosine (cos^-1) of each value of cos(x).

Remember to check the solution in the original equation, as sometimes extraneous solutions may arise during the solving process.