does my thesis statement make sense? is it clear?

any suggestions are welcomed

In "The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock," T.S. Eliot used Prufrock to symbolize modern man's fruitless struggle to find self-worth, love, and insecurities of owns appearance.

thank you! :D

Your thesis statement is clear and makes sense. It effectively states that in T.S. Eliot's poem "The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock," the character of Prufrock symbolizes the fruitless struggle of modern man to find self-worth, love, and overcome insecurities regarding appearance.

However, I would suggest a slight revision to make your thesis statement more concise and specific. Consider the following revised thesis:

"In 'The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock,' T.S. Eliot uses the character of Prufrock to embody the themes of modern man's futile quest for self-worth, unattainable love, and the anxiety surrounding personal appearance."

This revision maintains the core idea of your original statement while providing a clearer focus on the themes and making it slightly more concise. Remember, a strong thesis statement should be specific, focused, and present a clear argument.