Ms. Angelino made 2 pansof lasagna and cut each pan into twelfths. Her family ate 1 and 1/12 pans of lasagna for dinner. How many pans of lasagna were left? Please anser asap. thanks

11/12 pans of lasagna

2 and 1/12

the answer to this question is poooooop

i don't know math

The answer to this ? Is 11/12 because the 1 is a whole number so One whole pan will be shared in and the other pan would only have one of the 12 spaces will be shared and there r 11 spaces left of the 12 so there r only 11/12 of the lasagna left. Don't over think this problem.


To find out how many pans of lasagna are left, we need to subtract the amount eaten from the total amount made.

First, let's determine the total amount of lasagna made. Ms. Angelino made 2 pans of lasagna, and each pan was cut into twelfths, so the total number of pans is 2.

Now, let's calculate how much lasagna was eaten. The family ate 1 and 1/12 pans of lasagna. To add 1 and 1/12, we need to convert the whole number 1 to twelfths, which is 12/12.

So, the family ate 12/12 + 1/12 = 13/12 pans of lasagna.

To find out how many pans are left, we subtract the amount eaten (13/12 pans) from the total amount made (2 pans):

2 - 13/12 = 24/12 - 13/12
= 11/12

Therefore, there are 11/12 of a pan of lasagna left after dinner.