Do you think the U.S. should have joined the League of Nations with no restrictions to its obligations under Article X? Why or why not?

I think I can answer the question; I just need help from someone who can explain what they're asking here? Please and thank you.

The U.S. Congress didn't agree with Article X because it could involve us in a foreign war. Many Congressmen believed we should stay out of European conflicts. Do you agree with this position?

Do you think the U.S have joined the League of Nations with no restrictions to its obligation under article X? why or why not

Certainly! The question is asking whether the United States should have joined the League of Nations without any restrictions on its obligations under Article X. To fully understand the question, let's break it down:

1. League of Nations: The League of Nations was an international organization established after World War I with the goal of promoting world peace and cooperation among nations.

2. Article X: Article X was a provision in the Covenant of the League of Nations that called for member nations to protect each other's territorial integrity and political independence. This meant that if one member nation was attacked, other member nations would be required to come to its defense.

The question is essentially asking for your opinion on whether the United States should have joined the League of Nations without any limitations on its responsibilities to help defend other member nations. Now, let's move on to discussing the different perspectives and possible reasons for or against such a decision.