Estimate the total number of years of service of 200 factory workers based on a sample size of n=5 where the years of service reported are 12, 8, 20, 5, 12

Same process as in previous post.


To estimate the total number of years of service of 200 factory workers based on a sample size of n=5, you can use the method of sampling to estimate the population mean.

The formula to estimate the population mean using the method of sampling is as follows:

Estimated Population Mean (µ) = (Sample Mean) x (Total Population Size) / (Sample Size)

To apply this formula to your example:
1. Calculate the sample mean: add up all the years of service reported in your sample and divide by the sample size (n=5).
Sample Mean = (12 + 8 + 20 + 5 + 12) / 5 = 57 / 5 ≈ 11.4 years

2. Multiply the sample mean by the total population size (200) and divide by the sample size (n=5).
Estimated Population Mean = (11.4 years) x (200 workers) / 5 = 2,280 years / 5 = 456 years

Therefore, based on this sample, you can estimate that the total number of years of service of 200 factory workers is around 456 years.