After election of 1890 organized groups supporting farmers called for the information of a third party that became generally known as what party

To find the answer to your question, one can start by researching the election of 1890 and the various political parties involved at that time. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Begin by conducting a search using a search engine like Google or Bing, or by using reliable history resources such as books or scholarly articles.

2. Use search terms such as "election of 1890 political parties" or "third party formation after election of 1890" to narrow down the results.

3. Look for sources that discuss the political climate and events surrounding the election of 1890.

4. Take note of any organized groups supporting farmers or advocating for their rights during this time.

5. Continue reading and researching until you come across references or mentions of the specific third party that was formed as a result of these efforts.

Based on the research, the third party that emerged after the election of 1890 and was primarily supported by organized groups representing farmers is commonly known as the Populist Party, or the People's Party.