Sara works as a data entry operator. her current wage is $8.50 per hour. After her excellent performance rating, her new hourly rate is $9.18. What is the percent of increase in her wages?


Because -> percentage change = new-old/old x 100

so 0.68/8.50 x100

Hope this helps :)

To find the percentage increase in Sara's wages, we need to compare her new hourly rate with her old hourly rate.

The formula to calculate the percentage increase is:

Percentage Increase = (New Value - Old Value) / Old Value * 100

In this case, the old value is Sara's previous wage, which is $8.50 per hour. The new value is her new wage, which is $9.18 per hour.

Let's calculate the percentage increase:

Percentage Increase = ($9.18 - $8.50) / $8.50 * 100

Simplifying the above expression:

Percentage Increase = $0.68 / $8.50 * 100

Percentage Increase ≈ 0.08 * 100

Percentage Increase ≈ 8%

Therefore, Sara's wage has increased by approximately 8%.