please check my answers and if there wrong maybe you could tell me the correct one.but thanks anyways.

1. How did the formation of the National Action Party change Mexican politics?

A.It ended the one-party system.
B.It consolidated power among a few key leaders.
C.It ended the revolution.(I PICK THIS)
D.It lessened the power of the president.

2. It is hard for children in rural areas to get an education because

A.their families do not want them to get one.
B.schools are overcrowded.
C.they have no way to get to school.
D.the government will not fund rural schools.(I PICK THIS)

3. What has been the result of free-market policies in Mexico?

A.greater economic growth(I PICK THIS)
B.less trade with other countries
C.poor relations with the United States
D.increased profits for small farmers

4. What effect do remittances most likely have on Mexican families?

A.They encourage them to work harder.
B.They make it possible for more people to become U.S. citizens.
C.They discourage them from working for reform.(I PICK THIS)
D.They increase their dependence on the U.S. economy.

5. Free trade has led to more manufacturing jobs in Mexico because it

A.drives up the cost of agricultural goods.(I PICK THIS)
B.makes it cheaper to export goods to the United States.
C.encourages tourism between the two countries.
D.makes American goods less expensive.

6. Which issue has likely contributed most to political unrest in Mexico over the past century?

A.foreign trade rights(I PICK THIS)
C.wealth distribution
D.presidential powers

1. The correct answer is A. It ended the one-party system. The formation of the National Action Party (PAN) in Mexico was a significant change in Mexican politics as it provided a viable alternative to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which had held power for over 70 years under a one-party system. The PAN's emergence as a major political force introduced competitive elections and opened up the political landscape in Mexico.

2. The correct answer is C. They have no way to get to school. In rural areas, children often face challenges in accessing education due to a lack of transportation infrastructure. Remote locations and limited resources make it difficult for children in rural areas to travel to schools located in more urban areas.

3. The correct answer is A. Greater economic growth. Free-market policies in Mexico, such as liberalization of trade, deregulation, and privatization, have generally led to higher levels of economic growth. These policies have attracted foreign investment, increased competition, and stimulated various sectors of the economy.

4. The correct answer is D. They increase their dependence on the U.S. economy. Remittances are funds sent by Mexican migrants working in the United States back to their families in Mexico. While remittances play a significant role in supporting Mexican families financially, they can also create a dependency on the U.S. economy as families rely on this source of income.

5. The correct answer is B. It makes it cheaper to export goods to the United States. Free trade has led to the growth of manufacturing jobs in Mexico because it has made it more cost-effective for companies to export goods to the United States. With reduced trade barriers and lower production costs, Mexico has become an attractive location for companies looking to manufacture goods for the American market.

6. The correct answer is C. Wealth distribution. Unequal wealth distribution has been a key issue contributing to political unrest in Mexico over the past century. Economic disparities, with a small portion of the population holding a significant portion of the nation's wealth, have fueled social and political discontent, leading to protests, demonstrations, and demands for greater equality and social justice. While voting rights have also been an important issue, wealth distribution has had a greater overall impact on political unrest in Mexico.