Professor Merlin has asked you to help him. He has 100 total students in his four classes but he is not sure that all of them took his last exam. He wants to average the grades for his last exam in all four sections of his medieval literature course and then determine how many students scored above the average and how many scored below. Without arrays you would have to enter all the test scores, find their average, and then enter them again to determine how many exceed the average. But you know how to use arrays, so you won't need to enter the input a second time. Use one array for all four classes, a total of 100 elements.

To solve this problem using arrays, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare an array of size 100 to hold the test scores of all the students.

2. Initialize a variable `totalScores` to keep track of the total number of valid test scores entered.

3. Prompt the user to input the test scores for each student in all four classes, one by one. As each score is entered, store it in the array and increment the `totalScores` variable.

4. After all the scores have been entered, compute the average score by summing up all the test scores in the array and dividing it by the `totalScores` variable.

5. Declare two variables, `aboveAverage` and `belowAverage`, to keep track of the number of students who scored above and below the average score respectively.

6. Iterate through all the test scores in the array, comparing each score with the average. If a score is above the average, increment `aboveAverage`, otherwise increment `belowAverage`.

7. Display the average score, the number of students scoring above the average (`aboveAverage`), and the number of students scoring below the average (`belowAverage`).

Here's a Python code snippet that implements the above steps:

# Step 1: Declare an array of size 100
scores = [0] * 100

# Step 2: Initialize variable to track total scores
totalScores = 0

# Step 3: Prompt user to input test scores
for i in range(100):
score = int(input(f"Enter test score for student {i+1}: "))
scores[i] = score
totalScores += 1

# Step 4: Calculate the average score
averageScore = sum(scores) / totalScores

# Step 5: Initialize variables for students above and below average
aboveAverage = 0
belowAverage = 0

# Step 6: Count the number of students above and below average
for score in scores:
if score > averageScore:
aboveAverage += 1
elif score < averageScore:
belowAverage += 1

# Step 7: Display results
print("Average score:", averageScore)
print("Number of students scoring above average:", aboveAverage)
print("Number of students scoring below average:", belowAverage)

This code allows you to input the test scores for all 100 students and then calculates the average score. It also determines how many students scored above and below the average.