A convenience store owner needs to set the regular price for one gallon of 2% milk. He is going to run a "30% off sale" later in the week on this product. The sale price will be $2.53 per gallon. Find the regular price that the owner should charge for the milk. Round to the nearest hundredth.

.70 p = 2.53

p = 3.61

To find the regular price for one gallon of 2% milk, we can use the information given about the "30% off sale" and the sale price.

Let's assume the regular price is represented by "x".

During the sale, the price will be discounted by 30%. This means the sale price will be 70% (100% - 30%) of the regular price. Mathematically, we can write this as:

Sale price = 70% of x
$2.53 = 0.70x

To find the value of x (the regular price), we need to solve the equation.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.70, we get:

$2.53 / 0.70 = x
x ≈ $3.61

Therefore, the regular price that the owner should charge for one gallon of 2% milk is approximately $3.61, rounded to the nearest hundredth.