on a certain map,10 miles is represents 1.5 centimeters.what is the distance on the map that represents 40 miles?

what is 4*1.5cm?

8 centimeters

To find the distance on the map that represents 40 miles, we can set up a proportion using the given scale: 10 miles represents 1.5 centimeters.

Let's solve the proportion:

10 miles / 1.5 centimeters = 40 miles / x centimeters

To find x, we'll cross-multiply and solve for x:

10 miles * x centimeters = 1.5 centimeters * 40 miles

10x = 60
x = 60 / 10
x = 6 centimeters

Therefore, the distance on the map that represents 40 miles is 6 centimeters.