a.) How can you describe the location of vanadium (V, atomic number 23) on the periodic table? Choose all that apply.

1. period 5, group 4 <<<My choices>>>
2. period 4, group 5
3. lanthanum series <<<My choices>>>
4. nonmetals
5. transition metals <<<My choices>>>

b.) What is true about the element calcium (Ca, atomic number 20)? Choose all that apply.

1. It has 2 valence electrons <<<My choices>>>
2. It has 4 valence electrons
3. It is a nonmetals <<<My choices>>>
4. It is a reactive
5. It is a metal <<<My choices>>>

calcium is NOT a nonmetal, it is on the left side of the table. It is reactive..ever get your hands in quick lime?

Vandium is not group 4, see this: http://www.webelements.com/
Lanthanum series start at element 57, doesn't it?

It can not be a metal and a non metal, but it is reactive, has to valance electrons, and is a metal

a.) The location of vanadium (V) on the periodic table can be described as follows:

1. period 5, group 4 - This is the correct choice. Vanadium is found in period 5, which means it has 5 electron shells, and it is located in group 4, which means it has 4 valence electrons.

2. period 4, group 5 - This choice is incorrect. Vanadium is actually found in period 5, not period 4.

3. lanthanum series - This choice is incorrect. Vanadium is not part of the lanthanum series.

4. nonmetals - This choice is incorrect. Vanadium is not a nonmetal. It is actually classified as a transition metal.

5. transition metals - This is the correct choice. Vanadium is classified as a transition metal. Transition metals are found in the center of the periodic table and have properties that are intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals.

b.) Here are the correct choices for the element calcium (Ca):

1. It has 2 valence electrons - This is the correct choice. Calcium has 2 valence electrons, which can be determined by looking at its position on the periodic table. It is located in group 2, also known as the alkaline earth metals, which means it has 2 valence electrons.

2. It has 4 valence electrons - This choice is incorrect. Calcium actually has 2 valence electrons, not 4.

3. It is a nonmetal - This choice is incorrect. Calcium is not a nonmetal. It is classified as a metal.

4. It is reactive - This choice is correct. Calcium is a reactive element. It reacts readily with other elements, especially halogens like chlorine, to form compounds.

5. It is a metal - This is the correct choice. Calcium is classified as a metal. Metals are typically found on the left side of the periodic table and have properties such as being shiny, conducting heat and electricity, and being malleable and ductile.

Subject: The Periodic Table