Matthew's wading pool is 6-fet across and 18 inches high. How much water does it take to fill the pool a foot deep?

7.48 gallons in cubic foot

V = pi * r^2 * h

V = 3.14 * 3^2 * 1

V = 28.26 cu. ft.

7.48 * 28.26 = ________ gallons

Radius = r = 3 ft, height = 1.5 ft

volume = pi r^2 h = pi (9)(1.5) = 42.4 ft^3

To determine the amount of water required to fill the pool to a depth of 1 foot, we need to calculate the volume of the pool.

First, let's convert the height of the pool from inches to feet since the width of the pool is already given in feet.

There are 12 inches in 1 foot, so the height of the pool in feet is: 18 inches / 12 = 1.5 feet.

Now, we can calculate the volume using the formula: volume = length × width × height.

Length = 6 feet
Width = 6 feet
Height = 1.5 feet

Volume = 6 feet × 6 feet × 1.5 feet
Volume = 54 cubic feet

Therefore, it will take 54 cubic feet of water to fill the pool to a depth of 1 foot.