what was African society and economy like prior to European imperialism?

Which African society?


On another note, if you read Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, you will see exactly what happened to one of the African cultures.

Africa's society and economy was tremendously varied. It's a huge continent that included the arid north and the rainy south. Not only was it home to Egypt, one of the oldest civilizations on earth, but also the Great Rift Valley, the probable origin of homo sapiens. Traders criscrossed the Sahara Desert and the Indian Ocean. Thousands of languages and indigenous religions flourished.

To understand African society and economy prior to European imperialism, we can explore historical records, academic research, and insights from experts. Here are some steps you can take to gain a better understanding:

1. Consult historical texts: Read books or articles that specifically focus on African history before European colonialism. Look for authors who have expertise in African history or African studies.

2. Study primary sources: Examine written accounts, diaries, and letters from explorers, missionaries, and traders who visited Africa during that time. These primary sources can provide first-hand observations and descriptions of African society and economy.

3. Consider archaeological evidence: Archaeological excavations and research can offer insights into pre-colonial African civilizations. Look for archaeological studies that focus on specific regions or time periods to gain a clearer picture of African societies.

4. Explore oral traditions: African societies have a rich tradition of oral history. Engage with anthropological studies that have documented oral traditions and narratives to learn about social structures, cultural practices, and economic activities.

5. Research pre-colonial African empires: Study the history of well-known African empires like the Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, Ghana Empire, and Great Zimbabwe. These empires had established political structures, trade networks, and economic systems that provide valuable insight into African society and economy.

6. Examine African trade networks: Before European arrival, African societies had thriving regional and trans-Saharan trade networks. Investigate the trade routes, commodities exchanged, and the impact of trade on the local economy.

7. Take cultural diversity into account: Africa is a vast continent with diverse ethnic groups, languages, and cultures. Recognize that African society and economy varied significantly across different regions and time periods. Avoid generalizations and strive to understand the intricate nuances of each community.

It's important to note that the study of African history is an ongoing field of research, and new discoveries and interpretations can emerge over time.