At a pet store, Rhonda paid $11.50 for 3 dog bowls and 4 bones. Kelly $13 for 2 dog blows and 8 bones. How much will Andrew pay for 4 dog bowls and 2 bones?

if we have x bowls and y bones,

3x+4y = 11.50
2x+8y = 13.00

4x+2y = 12.00


Can you explain step by step ?

To find out how much Andrew will pay, we need to first determine the cost per dog bowl and bone. We can do this by dividing the total cost by the number of items.

For Rhonda:
Cost per dog bowl = Total cost / Number of dog bowls
Cost per dog bowl = $11.50 / 3 dog bowls
Cost per dog bowl = $3.83 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Cost per bone = Total cost / Number of bones
Cost per bone = $11.50 / 4 bones
Cost per bone = $2.88 (rounded to the nearest cent)

For Kelly:
Cost per dog bowl = Total cost / Number of dog bowls
Cost per dog bowl = $13 / 2 dog bowls
Cost per dog bowl = $6.50

Cost per bone = Total cost / Number of bones
Cost per bone = $13 / 8 bones
Cost per bone = $1.63 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Now, we can calculate how much Andrew will pay:
Total cost for 4 dog bowls = Cost per dog bowl * Number of dog bowls
Total cost for 4 dog bowls = $3.83 * 4
Total cost for 4 dog bowls = $15.32 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Total cost for 2 bones = Cost per bone * Number of bones
Total cost for 2 bones = $2.88 * 2
Total cost for 2 bones = $5.76 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Andrew will pay $15.32 for 4 dog bowls and $5.76 for 2 bones. Therefore, the total amount Andrew will pay is $15.32 + $5.76 = $21.08.