Keisha spent all day baking pies and cookie cakes for Party. Each pie had to bake for 48 minutes, and each cookie cake had to bake for 18 minutes. All together , keisha baked 9 desserts one at a time for a total of 4 hours and 12 minutes. How many cookie cakes did keisha bake?

Let x = number of baked pies

Let y= number of baked cookie cakes

48x + 18y= 252 (1)
(Note: 4 hours and 12 minutes is equivalent to 252 minutes)

x + y = 9 (2) y=9-x

To find x;
Through substitution method
48x + 18y= 252
48x + 18(9-x)= 252
48x + 162-18x =252
162 + 30x = 252
30x = 252 - 162
x = 90/ 30
x = 3

So since x = 3;
x + y = 9
3 + y = 9
y = 9 - 3
y = 6

Therefore, there are a total of 6 baked cookie cakes in all. :)

Let's break down the problem and solve it step by step.

First, let's convert 4 hours and 12 minutes to minutes.
4 hours = 4 * 60 = 240 minutes
4 hours and 12 minutes = 240 + 12 = 252 minutes

Let's assume Keisha baked x cookie cakes.

Each pie takes 48 minutes to bake, so the total time taken to bake all the pies is 48 * (9 - x).
Each cookie cake takes 18 minutes to bake, so the total time taken to bake all the cookie cakes is 18x.

According to the problem, the total time taken to bake all the desserts is 252 minutes.

So, the equation becomes:
48 * (9 - x) + 18x = 252

Now, let's solve this equation:
48 * 9 - 48x + 18x = 252
432 - 48x + 18x = 252
432 - 30x = 252
-30x = 252 - 432
-30x = -180
x = -180 / -30
x = 6

Therefore, Keisha baked 6 cookie cakes.

To determine the number of cookie cakes Keisha baked, we first need to find the total time she spent baking.

Keisha baked 9 desserts one at a time, with each dessert having a different baking time. Let's calculate the total baking time:

The baking time for each pie is 48 minutes, and Keisha baked 9 pies. So, the total time for pies is 48 minutes/pie * 9 pies = 432 minutes.

The baking time for each cookie cake is 18 minutes, and we need to find how many cookie cakes Keisha baked. Let's represent that as 'c'. So, the total time for cookie cakes is 18 minutes/cookie cake * c cookie cakes.

Now, we know that the total baking time is 4 hours and 12 minutes, which is equivalent to 4*60 + 12 = 252 minutes.

Since Keisha baked both pies and cookie cakes, the equation for the total baking time is:
432 minutes (for pies) + 18 minutes/cookie cake * c cookie cakes = 252 minutes.

To solve for 'c' (the number of cookie cakes), we can rearrange the equation:
18c = 252 - 432
18c = -180
c = -10

However, the number of cookie cakes can't be negative. Therefore, we conclude that Keisha did not bake any cookie cakes based on the given information.