Fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite verb given.

1.)Yo______el tenis. (practicar)
2.)Elena y yo_____amigos. (ser)
3.)Ayer, mi hermano____ ____. (ducharse)
4.)Yo____la pelicula Thor. (ver)
5.)Mis amigos____mucho dinero. (tener)

After you post your answers, someone will check them for you.

1.) practiqué

2.) fue
3.) me and duché
4.) vi
5.) tuvo

Please help! I don't think I did these right! :(

1.) Yo practiqué el tenis.

To fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite verb "practicar," start by identifying the subject of the sentence, which is "yo" (meaning "I" in English). Then, conjugate the verb "practicar" in the preterite tense for the subject "yo," which is "practiqué." Finally, use the conjugated form "practiqué" to complete the sentence: "Yo practiqué el tenis."

2.) Elena y yo fuimos amigos.
To fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite verb "ser," start by identifying the subject of the sentence, which is "Elena y yo" (meaning "Elena and I" in English). Then, conjugate the verb "ser" in the preterite tense for the subject "Elena y yo," which is "fuimos." Finally, use the conjugated form "fuimos" to complete the sentence: "Elena y yo fuimos amigos."

3.) Ayer, mi hermano se duchó.
To fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite verb "ducharse," start by identifying the subject of the sentence, which is "mi hermano" (meaning "my brother" in English). Then, conjugate the reflexive verb "ducharse" in the preterite tense for the subject "mi hermano," which is "se duchó." Finally, use the conjugated form "se duchó" to complete the sentence: "Ayer, mi hermano se duchó."

4.) Yo vi la película Thor.
To fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite verb "ver," start by identifying the subject of the sentence, which is "yo" (meaning "I" in English). Then, conjugate the verb "ver" in the preterite tense for the subject "yo," which is "vi." Finally, use the conjugated form "vi" to complete the sentence: "Yo vi la película Thor."

5.) Mis amigos tuvieron mucho dinero.
To fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite verb "tener," start by identifying the subject of the sentence, which is "mis amigos" (meaning "my friends" in English). Then, conjugate the verb "tener" in the preterite tense for the subject "mis amigos," which is "tuvieron." Finally, use the conjugated form "tuvieron" to complete the sentence: "Mis amigos tuvieron mucho dinero."