One week Trey rented 4 DVDs and 2 video games for $18. The next week he rented 2 DVDs and 1 video game for $9. Find the rental costs for each video game and DVD.

4D + 2V = 18

2D + V = 9

What values of D and V will give 18 and 9?

D = 4

V = 1

idk cause i’m stupid

To find the rental costs for each DVD and video game, let's assign variables. Let:

- x be the cost of renting one DVD
- y be the cost of renting one video game

From the given information, we can write two equations based on the rental costs:

Equation 1: 4x + 2y = 18 (from the first week's rentals)
Equation 2: 2x + y = 9 (from the second week's rentals)

Now we have a system of equations that we can solve to find the values of x and y.

To solve this system of equations, we can use the method of substitution or elimination.

Let's solve this system using the method of elimination:

Multiply Equation 2 by 2 to make the coefficients of y in both equations the same:

2(2x + y) = 2(9)
4x + 2y = 18

Now we have the same coefficients for y in both equations:

4x + 2y = 18 (Equation 1)
4x + 2y = 18 (Equation 2)

Since the equations are the same, the system is dependent, and there are infinitely many solutions. This means we cannot determine the specific rental costs of DVDs and video games.

However, we can find some solutions for x and y by choosing any value for one variable and solving for the other variable. Let's assume x = 3. Substitute this value into Equation 1:

4(3) + 2y = 18
12 + 2y = 18
2y = 18 - 12
2y = 6
y = 6/2
y = 3

So, if we assume the cost of renting one DVD is $3 and the cost of renting one video game is $3, then the rental costs for each DVD and video game are $3 each.

Keep in mind that this is just one possible solution, and other combinations of x and y could also work. Without more information or constraints, we cannot find a unique solution for the rental costs of DVDs and video games.


no solution