mary has 12 marbles. 3/12 of the marbles are yellow and 2/12 of the marbles are blue.the rest of the marbles are green. how many marbles are green and explain how you know

12/12 - (3/12 + 2/12)

12/12 - 5/12
= 7/12
therefore there are 7 green marbles

thank you!

your welcome ")

Mary has 12 marbles.3/12 of the marbles are yellow and 2/12 of the marbles are blue. The rest of the marbles are green. How many marbles are green? Explain your answer.

To find out how many marbles are green, we first need to find the total number of marbles that are already accounted for (yellow and blue marbles). You mentioned that Mary has 12 marbles in total, and 3/12 of them are yellow, so we can calculate the number of yellow marbles by multiplying the total number of marbles by the fraction representing the yellow marbles:

3/12 * 12 = 3

Similarly, you mentioned that 2/12 of the marbles are blue, so we can calculate the number of blue marbles:

2/12 * 12 = 2

Now let's add up the number of yellow and blue marbles to see how many marbles have been accounted for:

3 (yellow marbles) + 2 (blue marbles) = 5

Since the total number of marbles is 12, we can subtract the number of marbles accounted for (5) from the total number of marbles to find the number of green marbles:

12 (total marbles) - 5 (yellow and blue marbles) = 7

Therefore, there are 7 green marbles.