What i learned about bedbugs made me want to never sleep again.

Adverbial Clause
Misplaced modifier
noun clause
compound sentence

i think it is C

Which group of words are you supposed to identify?

Actually, the correct answer in this case is B) Misplaced modifier.

A misplaced modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that is inadvertently placed too far away from the noun or pronoun it modifies, creating confusion or ambiguity. In this example, the phrase "What I learned about bedbugs" is acting as a noun clause, but it is poorly placed in the sentence.

To correct this sentence and eliminate the misplaced modifier, you could rephrase it as: "What I learned about bedbugs made me never want to sleep again." In this revised version, the modifier is placed closer to the noun it is modifying ("me"), resulting in clearer and more accurate meaning.