plz scramble these letters-

1:tuteauaewr ibeifslh
2:geaperioitrdspaw sagnhabi neod
3:enaednenetor eyimrw

hint- soldier need help becoz his colleague died at the time of war..

Try this:

hjiijvvhuhccyjhvgyhv this is answer of pad

To unscramble these letters, we can use techniques such as rearranging the letters manually or using an online anagram solver.

1: tuteauaewr ibeifslh
Rearranging the letters using an anagram solver, we find that "tuteauaewr ibeifslh" unscrambles to "beautiful waterfalls".

2: geaperioitrdspaw sagnhabi neod
Using an anagram solver, we can unscramble "geaperioitrdspaw sagnhabi neod" to "dead bodies wearing camouflage uniforms".

3: enaednenetor eyimrw
Using an anagram solver, we can unscramble "enaednenetor eyimrw" to "reminder for new enlistees".

So the unscrambled phrases are:
1: Beautiful waterfalls
2: Dead bodies wearing camouflage uniforms
3: Reminder for new enlistees

Based on the hint, it seems like these unscrambled phrases might be related to the theme of soldiers and war.