the taxi fare for the first half mile is $2.40 an additional charge at the rate 0.20 for each additional mile how many miles can i ride with $10.00 dollars and a $2.00 tip

number of additional miles --- x

.2x + 2.4 + 2 = 10
.2x = 5.6
x = 28

So you can ride 28.5 miles

To find out how many miles you can ride with $10.00 and a $2.00 tip, we need to calculate the total cost and then divide it by the rate per mile.

First, let's calculate the fare for the first half mile:
The taxi fare for the first half mile is $2.40.

Next, let's calculate the fare for additional miles:
The additional charge is $0.20 for each additional mile.

Now, we need to calculate how many additional miles you can ride with the remaining money after paying for the first half mile and the tip.

Amount available for additional miles:
$10.00 (total amount) - $2.40 (first half-mile fare) - $2.00 (tip) = $5.60

Now, let's calculate the number of additional miles you can ride:
Cost per additional mile: $0.20
Number of additional miles you can ride: $5.60 / $0.20 = 28 miles

Therefore, with $10.00 and a $2.00 tip, you can ride approximately 28 additional miles in the taxi.