help please are walking for 5 minutes. You walk a distance of 300 meters. What is your rate of meters per minute?

A.60 mpm
B.6 mpm
C.30 mpm
D.1500 mpm

Its A. trust me (Connexus)

Anonymous is right it is A


300/5 = ?

what do I do??

Ndn is correct

To find the rate of meters per minute, you need to divide the total distance walked by the time taken to walk that distance. In this case, you walked a distance of 300 meters in 5 minutes.

To calculate the rate, divide the distance (300 meters) by the time (5 minutes):

Rate = Distance / Time

Rate = 300 meters / 5 minutes

Rate = 60 meters per minute

So the correct option is A. 60 mpm.