What is the spaninsh translation of "I ned a car and i need it fast because my aunt's sister's baby is about to be born!"

To find the Spanish translation of "I need a car and I need it fast because my aunt's sister's baby is about to be born!", you can use an online translator or a translation app.

One popular online translator is Google Translate. You can follow these steps to get the translation using Google Translate:

1. Open your web browser and go to translate.google.com.
2. In the text box on the left, type "I need a car and I need it fast because my aunt's sister's baby is about to be born!".
3. In the dropdown menu next to the text box, make sure English is selected as the source language.
4. In the dropdown menu next to the translation box on the right, select Spanish as the target language.
5. The translation will appear in the box on the right. In this case, the Spanish translation is: "¡Necesito un coche y lo necesito rápido porque el bebé de la hermana de mi tía está a punto de nacer!"

Remember that machine translation may not always be perfect, so it's always a good idea to double-check the translation if accuracy is important.