Can someone check if the following questions are grammatically correct?

Thank you.

1)Please Henry the VIII rule by focusing on the following:

-Why he broke ties with the church

-What the Act of Supremacy established

-What political and social changes the reformation brought about

2. Outline these two important points in Elizabeth I’s reign:

-Her approach to dealing with the religious struggle at the time

-What she achieved regarding foreign policy

3. In what way can Charles I be called absolute king and what led to the civil war?

4. Focus on the Renaissance and describe its universal order.

1) Please analyze Henry VIII's rule by focusing on the following:

- Why he broke ties with the church
- What the Act of Supremacy established
- What political and social changes the Reformation brought about

2) Outline these two important points in Elizabeth I's reign:
- Her approach to dealing with the religious struggle at the time
- What she achieved regarding foreign policy

3) In what way can Charles I be called an absolute king, and what led to the civil war?

4) Focus on the Renaissance and describe its universal order.

To answer your question about whether the questions are grammatically correct, I will analyze and provide suggestions for each one:

1) Please Henry the VIII rule by focusing on the following:
- The question seems to be asking someone to explain or discuss Henry VIII's rule. However, it is not grammatically accurate. I assume you intended to ask, "Can you please discuss Henry VIII's rule and focus on the following points?" This revised question is clearer and more grammatically correct.

2) Outline these two important points in Elizabeth I’s reign:
- This question is grammatically correct. You are asking someone to outline two important points in Elizabeth I's reign. However, it would be helpful to provide more context or specify which points you are referring to.

3) In what way can Charles I be called an absolute king, and what led to the civil war?
- This question is grammatically correct. You are asking in what manner Charles I can be referred to as an absolute king, and also inquiring about the factors that led to the civil war.

4) Focus on the Renaissance and describe its universal order.
- This question is grammatically correct. You are asking someone to focus on the Renaissance and then describe its universal order. However, it would be helpful to provide more context or specify what you mean by "universal order."

Remember, it is essential to clearly convey your intended meaning in questions, so be sure to review and revise for clarity and coherence.