A road map has a scale of 5/8 for every 125 miles. How many inches would be needed to represent 1000 miles on the map?

(5/8)(1,000/125) = ?

Thank you Ms. Sue, that helps a lot!

You're welcome, Jason.

To find out how many inches would be needed to represent 1000 miles on the map, we can use the given scale of the road map. The scale is given as 5/8 for every 125 miles.

First, let's find out how many units on the road map represent 1 mile. We can set up a proportion using the scale:

(5/8) units / (125 miles) = 1 unit / (x miles)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(5/8) * x miles = 1 * 125 miles

Simplifying the equation, we have:

(5/8) * x = 125

Now, let's solve for x:

Multiply both sides of the equation by 8/5:

(8/5) * (5/8) * x = (8/5) * 125

x = 1000

Therefore, 1000 units on the road map represent 125 miles.

Now, we need to find out how many inches would be needed to represent 1000 miles on the map. Since we know that 125 miles on the map is represented by 1000 units, we can set up another proportion:

125 miles / 1000 units = 1000 miles / (y inches)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

125 * y inches = 1000 * 1000 miles

Simplifying the equation, we have:

125y = 1000000

Now, let's solve for y:

y = 1000000 / 125

y = 8000

Therefore, 1000 miles on the map would require 8000 inches.