Hi, I would appreciate if someone can let me know what they think about the answer that I choose for these questions?

Mortimer argues that right actions are the ones that:

a.We believe to be right.
b.Are culturally valid.
c.God commands us to perform.
d.Our conscience guides us to do.

I hope the answer is C.

For Mill, when calculating the utility of any particular action, we must include the happiness it will produce for:

a.The family of the individual who will perform the action.
b.All sentient creatures.
c.The individual who will perform the action.
d.All human beings.

For this question the answer I choose is A or D.

Mortimer argues that Christian ethics are applicable:

a.Only to Christians.
b.To all people who live in Christian-based cultures.
c.Only to unbelievers.
d.To all human beings.

The answer I choose after doing lots of reading is D.

Based on your choices, here is an analysis of each question and the chosen answer:

1. Mortimer argues that right actions are the ones that:
The answer you selected is C, which states that right actions are the ones that God commands us to perform. It is important to note that different ethical theories propose different criteria for determining right actions. In this case, Mortimer suggests that right actions are those which are commanded by God. If you are looking for an opinion on this answer, it would be subjective and depend on personal beliefs or philosophical perspectives.

2. For Mill, when calculating the utility of any particular action, we must include the happiness it will produce for:
You mentioned that you chose either A or D. Let's evaluate each option:
- A suggests that the happiness produced by an action should be calculated considering the family of the individual who will perform it.
- D suggests that the happiness produced by an action should be calculated considering all human beings.

From the two options, the answer that aligns more closely with Mill's utilitarian perspective is D. John Stuart Mill advocated for the principle of maximizing overall happiness (or utility) for the greatest number of people. Therefore, all human beings would be included in the calculation of happiness produced by an action.

3. Mortimer argues that Christian ethics are applicable:
The answer you selected is D, which states that Christian ethics are applicable to all human beings. This aligns with Mortimer's view that Christian ethics extend beyond just Christians. Here, "applicable" means that Christian ethics can be relevant or applied to guide the moral conduct of all individuals, not just Christians.

It's important to note that the analysis provided here is based on the information given. Keep in mind that these questions are related to ethical theories and perspectives, and opinions may vary depending on personal beliefs and interpretations.