1. Mamá, me quité la ropa vieja y sucia. Ahora llevo la ropa nueva que me compraste.

¡Qué guapo _______ hoy, Julio!
A. eres
B. eras
C. estás
D. fuiste
I said C

2. Cuando estoy muy cansado, no me gusta usar la escalera. Prefiero usar ________.
A. la entrada o la salida
B. el mostrador o la escalera mecánica
C. el ascensor o la caja
D. la escalera mecánica o el ascensor
I said D

3. Quiero comprar este esmalte de uñas y este lápiz de labios, pero no tengo suficiente dinero.
Yo no tengo dinero __________ .
A. también
B. tampoco
C. ninguno
D. ningún
I said B

4. Hay una _______ nueva en el cruce de la Calle San Juan y la Avenuda san José, pero todavía hay muchos accidentes por allí.
A. caja
B. señal de alto
C. milla
D. pescadería
I said B

5. Mi padre no puedo ____ hoy porque no tiene ni crema de afeitar ni una máquina de afeitar.
A. maquillarse
B. ponerse
C. afeitarse
D. quitarse
I said C

6. ¿Adónde vas, Gregorio?
Voy a la farmacia para comprar ___________.
A. desodorante y crema de afeitar
B. ropa nueva y maquillaje
C. unas vendas y buzón
D. unas vendas y un mostrador
I said A

I'll send this to Sra.

1. Understand the difference between ser and estar here. Eres...means you are always but estás...means you look...today (but not always). Because of hoy, you probably selected the correct one.

5. Please correct "puede" because father is the subject.

Everything else is correct.


1. The correct answer is C. estás. To determine the correct answer, you need to consider the context. The speaker is talking about the present moment and how they look today, so the verb should be in the present tense. "Estás" is the present tense form of the verb "estar" (to be) for the pronoun "tú" (you).

2. The correct answer is D. la escalera mecánica o el ascensor. To determine the correct answer, you need to think about the speaker's preference when they are tired. The sentence mentions that the speaker prefers not to use the stairs when tired, indicating a preference for an alternative method of transportation. The options provided include various choices for transportation, but only option D includes both an escalator (escalera mecánica) and an elevator (ascensor), which are commonly used to avoid using stairs.

3. The correct answer is B. tampoco. To determine the correct answer, you need to consider the negative statement made by the speaker. The sentence states that the speaker does not have enough money. "Tampoco" is the Spanish word for "neither" or "nor," and it is used to indicate a negative response or statement that aligns with a previous negative statement.

4. The correct answer is B. señal de alto. To determine the correct answer, you need to consider the context and the options provided. The sentence mentions a new installation at the intersection of Calle San Juan and Avenida San José, which has resulted in many accidents. "Señal de alto" translates to "stop sign" and is a common traffic sign used at intersections to indicate that drivers must come to a stop.

5. The correct answer is C. afeitarse. To determine the correct answer, you need to consider the action described in the sentence and the options provided. The sentence mentions that the speaker's father cannot do something today because he doesn't have shaving cream or a razor. "Afeitarse" means "to shave" in Spanish and is the appropriate verb for this context.

6. The correct answer is A. desodorante y crema de afeitar. To determine the correct answer, you need to think about the items the speaker wants to buy and the options provided. The speaker mentions going to the pharmacy and wanting to buy something. "Desodorante y crema de afeitar" translates to "deodorant and shaving cream" and represents the items commonly found in a pharmacy.