When written as a decimal number 3.421 x 10^95 contains how many zeros to the left of the decimal point?

3.421*10^1 is 34.21

3.421*10^2 is 342.1
3.421*10^3 is 3421
3.421*10^4 is 34210 one zero
3.421*10^5 is 342100 two zeros
3.421*10^6 is 3421000 three zeros
3.421*10^95 has 95-3 = 92 zeros

Oh, okay.

Shouldn't the answer be 0 though since it says "to the left of the decimal point"? That's why I was confused.

thanks for givinh me the answer this really helped me on a test 100%

To determine the number of zeros to the left of the decimal point in the number 3.421 x 10^95, you need to understand scientific notation.

Scientific notation is a way of expressing very large or very small numbers using powers of 10. In this case, the number is written as 3.421 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 95, written as 10^95.

In scientific notation, the number before the multiplication symbol (in this case, 3.421) is called the coefficient, while the number after the multiplication symbol (10^95) is the power of 10.

When converting the scientific notation to decimal form, the zeros to the left of the decimal point are determined by the exponent. If the exponent is positive, it means you move the decimal point to the right, resulting in zeros to the left. If the exponent is negative, the decimal point is moved to the left, indicating zeros to the right.

In this case, the exponent is 95, which means the decimal point must be moved 95 places to the right. Therefore, there are 95 zeros to the left of the decimal point in the decimal representation of 3.421 x 10^95.