1. Para usar un lavaplatos, una lavadora, una secadora o un tostador es necessario tener ___________.

A. un ventilador
B. electricidad
C. una linterna
D. muchas posesiones
I said B.

2. ¿Qué posesión tuya te gusta más?
Mi tocacintas. ¡Para mí es una _______!
A. necesidad
B. emergencia
C. energía
D. identificación
I said A

3. La calefacción central en mi dormitorio no funciona bien. Por eso tengo que usar ________.
A. un calentador
B. un extinguidor de incendios
C. un peine
D. un tostador
I said A

4. Alejandra, ¿es tuyo este reloj?
No, no es mío. _________ de Marcos.
A. Está
B. Va
C. Es
D. Son
I said C

5. ¿Siempre usas ______ después de ducharte?
No, no lo uso. Prefiero conservar energía.
A. un peine
B. un secador de pelo
C. una cadena
D. una moneda
I said B

6. Es muy importante llevar _______ en caso de emergencia.
A. monedas e identificatión
B. monedas y plata
C. aretes e identificatión
D. una cadena y una pulsera
I said A

7. ¿Compraste unos recuerdos de Nueva York?
Sí, compré unos _______ para mis mejores amigas.
A. cadenas
B. anillo
C. pilseras
D. llaveros
I said D

8. ¡Estas manzanas son sabrosas!
¿Dónde las compraste? Las compré en ______ la Avenida San Felipe.
A. la frutería
B. la carnicería
C. la floristería
D. el quiosco
I'm stuck between A and D

9. Tengo que llamar a mi madre. ¿Sabes dónde hay un ________?
Hay uno a dos cuandros de aquí, en la esquina de la Calle Martí.
A. semáforo
B. quiosco
C. teléfono público
D. buzón
I said C

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

8 is apples - fruit - a

7 if pilseras is really pulseras, bracelets, misspelled, I would be inclined to pick the bracelets for the ladies.

l. Only one "s" in necesario, but the answers are correct in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, y 9.

8. fruta is very close to the answer (A) la frutería

¡Bien hecho!


1. To use a dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, or toaster, it is necessary to have **B. electricity**. This is because these appliances require electrical power to function.

2. The possession that you like the most is your **tocacintas** (cassette player). You describe it as a **necessity** (A). This implies that the cassette player is something you consider essential or important to have.

3. Since the central heating in your bedroom is not working properly, you have to use a **heater** (A) to stay warm. The heater serves as an alternative source of heat to compensate for the malfunctioning central heating system.

4. Alejandra confirms that the watch is **not hers**. She states, "**No, it's not mine**." Therefore, the correct answer is **C. Es** (It is).

5. The question asks if you always use something **after showering**, and you respond that you **don't use it** because you prefer to conserve energy. The correct answer is **B. a hairdryer** since it is a common appliance used for drying hair after showering.

6. It is very important to carry **coins and identification** (A) in case of an emergency. This suggests that having coins for payphones and identification for identification purposes are crucial in emergency situations.

7. The person is asked if they bought souvenirs in New York, and they respond that they bought some **keychains** (D) for their best friends. Therefore, the correct answer is **D. llaveros** (keychains).

8. The person is complimenting the taste of the apples and asks where they were bought. The apples were bought **on the San Felipe Avenue**, which suggests that they were bought in a place related to selling fruits. The correct answer is **A. la fruterí (the fruit store).

9. The person needs to make a phone call to their mother and asks if you know where there is a **phone booth**. You respond that there is one **two blocks away**, at the corner of Martí Street. The correct answer is **C. teléfono público** (public phone).