A car travels through a school zone at a speed of 36 m/s was the 45 mi/h speed limit exceeded? yes or no


speed limit= 20.12 m/s

the speed limit is less than the speed of the car.

yes, the car exceeded the speed limit.

V = 36m/s * 1mi/1600m * 3600s/h = 81mi/h


To determine whether the speed limit was exceeded, we need to convert the car's speed from meters per second (m/s) to miles per hour (mi/h). Here's how you can do it:

1. Convert 36 m/s to kilometers per hour (km/h): Since 1 kilometer is equal to 0.621371 miles, we can find the speed in km/h by multiplying 36 by 3.6. Therefore, the speed is 129.6 km/h.

2. Convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour: Since 1 mile is equal to 1.60934 kilometers, we can find the speed in mi/h by dividing 129.6 by 1.60934. The result is approximately 80.469 mi/h.

Now we can compare the converted speed of 80.469 mi/h to the speed limit of 45 mi/h. Since 80.469 mi/h is greater than 45 mi/h, we can conclude that the car exceeded the 45 mi/h speed limit. Therefore, the answer is yes, the speed limit was exceeded.