betsy travel on a bus for 21 miles to school. if betsy travels for a full week. how many total miles did she travel ? Use a drawing and distributive property to solve.


To solve this problem using a drawing and the distributive property, we can first draw a visual representation of Betsy's daily travel to and from school.

Let's draw a rectangular box to represent the total distance Betsy travels in a day. Inside the box, we will divide it into two equal parts to represent her travel to school and her travel back home.

| Daily Travel |
| 21 miles | 21 miles |

As given in the question, Betsy travels 21 miles one way. Since she travels to and from school each day, we need to calculate the total distance she travels in a week.

To find the total distance, we can use the distributive property, which states that when multiplying a number by a sum, we can distribute the multiplication to each term inside the sum.

We need to calculate the total distance for a full week, which means we need to multiply the daily distance by the number of days in a week. There are 5 school days in a week (assuming a Monday through Friday schedule).

Let's calculate the total distance Betsy travels in a week using the distributive property:

Total distance = 21 miles * (number of school days in a week)

= 21 miles * 5

= 105 miles

So, Betsy traveled a total of 105 miles in a full week.