What would be the effect on the seasons and the northern and southern

hemispheres if Earth were not tilted? Explain your answer.


Days and nights would always be 12 hours each (Equinox for everyone always). There would be no winter in Boston (when the North pole is in the shade) or summer in Boston (when the South pole is in the shade)

Sure, I'd be happy to help explain this!

If the Earth were not tilted on its axis, there would be significant effects on the seasons and the distribution of sunlight throughout the year.

Currently, because of Earth's axis tilt of about 23.5 degrees, different parts of the Earth receive varying amounts of direct sunlight throughout the year. This tilt causes the seasons to change as the Earth orbits the Sun.

If the Earth had no axial tilt, the amount of sunlight received by each hemisphere would be constant throughout the year. This means that there would be little to no seasonal variation in temperature and weather patterns.

In the absence of axial tilt, both the northern and southern hemispheres would receive equal amounts of sunlight, resulting in more uniform temperature and climate patterns across the globe. The equator, which is currently the warmest region due to its direct sunlight exposure, would experience a more mild and consistent climate.

Overall, the absence of Earth's axial tilt would result in a loss of seasonal diversity and a more consistent and uniform climate pattern across the globe.