1. describe in outline a suitable procedure for the preparation of saturated solution of sodium nitrate at 30 degree celsius

2. State 2 techniques that can be used to recover crystals of the sodium nitrate from its saturated solution

1. Procedure for the Preparation of a Saturated Solution of Sodium Nitrate at 30°C:

Step 1: Measure a specific amount of sodium nitrate. The specific quantity of sodium nitrate required will depend on the desired concentration of the saturated solution.

Step 2: Heat a beaker or flask containing distilled water to 30°C using a water bath or temperature-controlled heating source. Ensure the water is at a stable temperature before proceeding.

Step 3: Slowly add the measured quantity of sodium nitrate to the heated water while continuously stirring the solution. Stirring helps in dissolving the sodium nitrate more quickly and evenly.

Step 4: Continue adding sodium nitrate until no further dissolving is observed. This indicates that the solution has reached saturation at 30°C. In case undissolved particles remain, it implies that the solution is already supersaturated.

Step 5: Allow the solution to cool down to room temperature while still stirring occasionally. Cooling helps the dissolved sodium nitrate to solidify and prevents it from precipitating out of the solution.

Step 6: The saturated solution of sodium nitrate is now ready for use.

2. Techniques for Recovering Crystals of Sodium Nitrate from a Saturated Solution:

1. Evaporation:
a. Transfer the saturated solution to an evaporating dish or shallow container.
b. Place the container in a warm and well-ventilated area or use a gentle heat source such as a Bunsen burner or hot plate.
c. Allow the solvent (water) to slowly evaporate over time, which causes the sodium nitrate to crystallize and form solid deposits.
d. Once the solution has completely evaporated, the sodium nitrate crystals can be collected using a spatula or filter paper.

2. Cooling and Filtration:
a. Transfer the saturated solution to a separate container.
b. Place the container in a refrigerator or an ice bath to rapidly lower the temperature of the solution.
c. As the temperature drops, the solubility of sodium nitrate decreases, leading to the formation of crystals.
d. Once crystallization occurs, decant the solution or use a filter paper to separate the liquid (solvent) from the solid sodium nitrate crystals.
e. Rinse the crystals with a small amount of ice-cold water to remove impurities, if necessary.

These techniques allow the recovery of pure sodium nitrate crystals from the saturated solution by either evaporating the solvent or inducing crystallization through cooling.

Number 2 may be filtration and distillation, but I'm not 100% sure.

As for number 1, I don't think I can help with that one.