1. Which gas is a source of natural groundwater pollution?

A. Carbon
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Radon

2. Which of the following statements best describes chemical weathering?
A. It happens only in cool environments.
B. It's the type of weathering in which rocks and minerals break down into smaller pieces.
C. It always results in dome-shaped formations.
D. It's the process by which rocks and minerals undergo changes in their composition.

3. Which of the following is not a process of a stream load?
A. Bed Load
B. Materials in solution
C. Divide
D. Suspension

4. A stream channel is formed when water
A. carves a very deep and wide channel into rock.
B. carries minerals into the ocean.
C. creates a depression, which forms a lake.
D. carves a narrow path into rock.

5. How many chemical reactions are possible regarding the formation of carbonic acid and the dissolving of calcite?
A. 3
B. 10
C. 23
D. 2
A or B?

you are correct on 2 and 3


1 is it D?
4 is it D?
5 is it A?

Which of the following best describe as it relates to earth science

The second one is NOT B!

yes 3 is right.

4. A stream channel is formed when water

D. carves a narrow path into rock.

this is the correct answer. I'm 100 percent sure.

1. To determine which gas is a source of natural groundwater pollution, we need to consider the sources and properties of the gases listed. Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen are commonly found in the atmosphere and are not typically associated with groundwater pollution. On the other hand, radon is a radioactive gas that can be naturally present in rocks and soil. It can seep into groundwater and become a source of pollution. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Radon.

2. Chemical weathering involves the breakdown and alteration of rocks and minerals through chemical processes. To identify the best description, we should examine each statement. Option A states that chemical weathering only occurs in cool environments, which is incorrect as it can occur in various temperature conditions. Option C states that chemical weathering always results in dome-shaped formations, which is also incorrect as it can lead to various landforms. Option D states that chemical weathering is the process by which rocks and minerals undergo changes in their composition, which accurately describes the process. Therefore, the correct answer is D. It's the process by which rocks and minerals undergo changes in their composition.

3. A stream load refers to the materials carried by a stream or river. To determine which is not a process of a stream load, we can evaluate each option. Option A, bed load, refers to larger sediment like rocks and pebbles that are transported along the streambed. Option B, materials in solution, represents dissolved substances in the water. Option D, suspension, refers to small particles that are suspended in the water column. The only option left is C, divide, which is not related to the stream load. It refers to a ridge or elevated land that separates drainage basins. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Divide.

4. A stream channel is formed through the action of water. We need to identify the process that creates a stream channel. Option A states that water carves a very deep and wide channel into the rock, which is not necessarily true for all stream channels. Option B, carrying minerals into the ocean, is more related to the process of erosion and sediment transportation. Option C, creating a depression which forms a lake, is not the correct process for stream channel formation either. The remaining option, D, carves a narrow path into the rock, accurately describes the erosive action of water creating a stream channel. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Carves a narrow path into rock.

5. The question asks about the number of chemical reactions regarding the formation of carbonic acid and the dissolving of calcite. Carbonic acid is formed when carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolves in water, and it can react with calcite, a common mineral composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). To determine the number of possible chemical reactions, we need to consider the different steps involved. The dissolution of calcite by carbonic acid can occur through a series of reactions, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide and the production of dissolved calcium and bicarbonate ions. Counting all the potential reactions, we find that there are multiple steps involved. Option A suggests 3 reactions, and Option B suggests 10. Without further context, it is challenging to determine the exact number, but it is more reasonable to assume that there could be a higher number of reactions given the complexity of the process. Therefore, the more plausible answer is B. 10.