After school, your friend asks you to give him a lift home on your bike. What would you tell your friend? Why?

A: I would tell him that I couldn’t because there would be no room for him to sit upon the bicycle. However, I would also tell him that I wouldn’t because, in this way, I could reduce the risk of unintentionally injuring him.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

When your friend asks you to give him a lift home on your bike, you can respond by explaining the reasons why you are unable to accommodate his request.

Firstly, you can let your friend know that there would be no room for him to sit on the bike. Bicycles are typically designed for a single rider, with only one seat available. Adding another person to the bike could compromise both of your safety and stability, as there isn't enough space for two people.

Additionally, you can mention that you are concerned about the risk of unintentionally injuring him. Riding a bike with an extra passenger can make it more challenging to maintain balance and control, especially if you are not used to riding with someone else. This can significantly increase the risk of accidents or falls.

By explaining these reasons to your friend, you are prioritizing both of your safety and well-being. It's important to make responsible decisions when it comes to transportation to avoid any unnecessary risks.