Meenah made a conjecture that any even number will be divisible by 4. Test her conjecture. Explain whether it is correct or incorrect.

Meenah conjecture is either true or false

Assume that it is true, that is, all even numbers are divisible by 4

test some
8/4 = 2 , ok
24/4 = 6
10/4 = 2.5, not exact

Since we assumed it to be true and I found a case which was false, my assumption must have been false.
Since the conjecture is either true OR false, and my assumption that it was true showed up to be wrong, it must be false.

(All we really needed was one single exception)

To test Meenah's conjecture, we first need to understand the concept behind it. Meenah claims that any even number will be divisible by 4.

To determine whether this conjecture is correct or incorrect, we can apply logical reasoning and mathematical analysis.

Let's consider an even number, say 8. According to Meenah's conjecture, it should be divisible by 4. We can verify this by dividing 8 by 4:

8 ÷ 4 = 2

Since the result is an integer (2 in this case), we can conclude that 8 is indeed divisible by 4.

Now, let's test another even number, say 14. We can apply the same process:

14 ÷ 4 = 3.5

Here, the result is not an integer but a decimal (3.5). This means that 14 is not divisible by 4.

Based on these two examples, we can conclude that Meenah's conjecture is incorrect. Not all even numbers are divisible by 4. Some even numbers, like 8, are divisible by 4, while others, like 14, are not.

To prove or disprove a conjecture like this, you can test it by selecting different examples and applying the relevant mathematical operations.