I am not understanding this question. the retail sales tax in north Carolina is 7%. Find the total cost of a $1210 of sofa. It is hard for me to get this answer.

I think the question is asking for the total price of the sofa when the tax is added.




write as a decimal 700% can somebody tell me if 7 is the correct answer yes or no,

To calculate the total cost of the sofa including the retail sales tax in North Carolina, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage of the sales tax to decimal form. Since the retail sales tax is 7%, you divide it by 100 to convert it to decimal form: 7/100 = 0.07.

Step 2: Multiply the price of the sofa ($1210) by the sales tax rate in decimal form. This will give you the amount of sales tax you need to add to the price: $1210 x 0.07 = $84.70 (rounded to two decimal places).

Step 3: Add the amount of sales tax to the price of the sofa to find the total cost. Total Cost = Price of Sofa + Sales Tax = $1210 + $84.70 = $1294.70.

So, the total cost of the sofa, including the retail sales tax in North Carolina, is $1294.70.