What is the percentage of the increase from 415 to 450?

450 - 415 = 35

100(35/415) = 8.4%

Percentage Increase

(New - Old)/(Old)

450 - 415 = 35
35/415 = 0.084337.......
Move decimal point two places to the right.

To calculate the percentage increase from 415 to 450, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the two numbers.
Difference = 450 - 415
= 35

Step 2: Divide the difference by the original number.
Fraction = Difference / 415
= 35 / 415

Step 3: Convert the fraction to a decimal.
Decimal = Fraction * 100
= (35 / 415) * 100

Step 4: Calculate the percentage.
Percentage = Decimal
= (35 / 415) * 100

So, the percentage increase from 415 to 450 is approximately 8.43%.