There were 10 more boys than girls at an outing. Each boy was given 3 sweets and each girl was given 4 sweets. A total of 156 sweets were given to the children. How many girls were there at the outing?

4g + 3(g+10) = 156

g = 18

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Let's assume the number of girls at the outing is x.

Step 2: According to the problem, there were 10 more boys than girls at the outing. So the number of boys would be x + 10.

Step 3: Each boy was given 3 sweets, so the total number of sweets for the boys would be (x + 10) * 3.

Step 4: Each girl was given 4 sweets, so the total number of sweets for the girls would be x * 4.

Step 5: The total number of sweets given to the children is given as 156. So we can write the equation as:

(x + 10) * 3 + x * 4 = 156

Let's solve this equation to find the value of x:

3x + 30 + 4x = 156
7x + 30 = 156
7x = 156 - 30
7x = 126
x = 126 / 7
x = 18

Therefore, there were 18 girls at the outing.