Marion prides herself on being a good defender on the basketball court. She can block shots easily. Her coach says that to be a better player for the team, she needs to improve her power for specific skills. Marion can improve her power in basketball by

· getting proper position for the rebound against her opponent.
· improving her free throw shooting mechanics from a closer distance.
· staying close to the dribbler as they move around the court with the ball.
· transferring her weight when leaping for the jump ball with her opponent.

My answer is A because with proper positioning for rebounding she will be in better position to block shots or rebound.

correct. Health? Sounds like a coach is teaching this.

It is in a Health course in school.

Your answer is correct! Improving power in basketball involves enhancing specific skills. In this case, getting proper position for the rebound against her opponent would help Marion become a better player. By being in the right position, she can increase her chances of blocking shots and securing rebounds, which are crucial defensive skills in basketball. Well done!