If a person does "portraits", you might tell him/her to paint:

a. your house
b. a landscape
c. your family
d. a bowl of fruit


A person having low "morale" is most likely feeling:

a. talkative
b. embarrassed
c. depressed

I can't really decide between B and C.

I agree with you -- C for the first one.

Let me know what you think about the second one: http://www.answers.com/search?q=low+morale

I think it is also C.


Thanks! Also, are "snow" and "woe" slant rhymes?

No, those words truly rhyme.


OK, this is the actual question.

The fourth stanza of the poem offers an example of:

a. slant rhyme
b. end rhyme
c. internal rhyme
d. perfect rhyme

This is the fourth stanza:

We found his flag one bitter morning
And knew our hopes had come to woe
We had come pursuing glory
But ended freezing in the snow

Woe and snow are perfect rhymes, but now I see that "hopes" and "woe" kind of rhyme, too.
