f(x)=7x^3+13x^3-3x^2. Find f(-6)

Also how do you solve this kind of question

notice that in the place of x in f(x) you now find a -6

so in the expression , replace x with -6 as well

f(x) = 7x^3+13x^3-3x^2
f(-6) = 7(-6)^3 + 13(-6)^3 - 3(-6)^2
= ...

I suspect a typo, why would you have two different cubic terms ?

So for this kind of question. You just replace the variables right?

To find the value of f(-6), you need to substitute -6 into the function f(x) and simplify.

Given that f(x) = 7x^3 + 13x^2 - 3x^2, you need to substitute -6 for x.

f(-6) = 7(-6)^3 + 13(-6)^2 - 3(-6)^2

Now, let's simplify each term:

* (-6)^3 = -6 * -6 * -6 = -216
* (-6)^2 = -6 * -6 = 36

Substituting these values back into the equation:

f(-6) = 7(-216) + 13(36) - 3(36)

* 7(-216) = -1512
* 13(36) = 468
* 3(36) = 108

Substituting these values back into the equation:

f(-6) = -1512 + 468 - 108


f(-6) = -1152

To solve this type of question, you simply substitute the given value into the function and simplify the expression by evaluating the terms based on the given value.