in some cars the rear seat folds down to add more space. sometimes this split is a 70:30 split. If the rear seat is 50 inches wide, how wide are the two parts?

50*0.70 = ?

50*0.30 = ?

does this also go for even numbers?

A 70:30 split is 70%:30% and all you are doing is taking 70% and 30% of the length.

To find the width of each part when the rear seat is split in a 70:30 ratio, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate 70% of the width.
- Multiply the width of the rear seat by 70% (or 0.70).

Calculation: 50 inches * 0.70 = 35 inches

Step 2: Calculate 30% of the width.
- Multiply the width of the rear seat by 30% (or 0.30).

Calculation: 50 inches * 0.30 = 15 inches

Step 3: Determine the width of each part.
- The 70% split corresponds to the wider part, while the 30% split corresponds to the narrower part.

Answer: The wider part is 35 inches wide, and the narrower part is 15 inches wide.